Hey there! Beta 0.99.4 is out with some nice tweaks and important fixes, and most prominently, we’ve reached the point when we’re ready to experiment live with the profile sharing servers. InvasionUS and SAS Invasion player profiles have been combined now, with SAS Invasion profiles replacing any matching InvasionUS profiles. In the Online menu, you’ll [...]
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Beta 0.99.3 released
Hey there! Long story short, 0.99.3 is here to fix lots of the insanity created by 0.99.2. May this update be more graceful to all of us! Obligatory change log link here.
Beta 0.99.2 released
Hey there! RWR 0.99.2 has been released! The tweaking continues, here’s a brief rundown of the major stuff worked on: experimental penalized player mode added for Invasion; team kills lead to penalty time ceasing access to explosives among other things master profile server work is done, we’ll start experimenting publicly with the shared profile servers [...]
Beta 0.99.1 released
Hey there! RWR 0.99.1 was just released with the overall tweaking continuing on the way towards the daunting 1.0 release, see the change log. Mac port had some serious issues with campaign in the previous version, usually the problems started to arise when the campaign had already progressed long enough, with the most common symptom [...]