Running with rifles alpha 0.351 is now available, this time there’s an actual installer. Besides the game itself, it installs Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime and OpenAL if you don’t have those installed already, which are required to run the game. See Downloads for details. Change log is on the forum. Should you stumble on [...]
Monthly Archives: August 2011
Alpha 0.35 coming in a few days
Just uploaded two quick videos of the upcoming alpha 0.35, showing off the new trees and dust mainly. Youtube video compression doesn’t really do justice to the smooth colors in the game, so I brought some screenshots too! Lot of fixes coming in for crashes, performance, various improvements on both the soldier and the commander [...]
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Alpha 0.3 released!
Bug fixes, minor graphical details and sounds added, AI accuracy and soldier count settings, improved cover system, prone key, more support for modding, among others. Download alpha 0.3 here! The change log is on the forum, as usual. Other than that, the online support is progressing nicely, next I need to give it a proper [...]
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