“Keep your head down SOLDIER – you’ll need it!”
Pick up your rifle and join the Greenbelts, Graycollars or Brownpants in their mission to send the enemy home in a box! RWR is an open world, top-down, tactical shooter for single player and multiplayer online, that puts you right in the middle of chaos in towns, trenches and forests turned into ruthless battlefields, controlling just one soldier in an army of several hundreds.
In a war where men die like flies and endless streams of reinforcements run to fill the void, it takes tactics and marksmanship to capture territories effectively. The open world nature of the game enables you to use a multitude of approaches to help the front line move – it’s up to you to shape your role. Experience the complete arc starting as a private hardening into a high ranking officer with a squad under command, arming yourself with a variety of weapons and vehicles on your way to glory!
Key features:
- 13x 1 km^2 maps with total of ~100 bases
- hundreds of simultaneous AI soldiers, and minibosses
- open world: it’s up to you how you play, the war goes on without you
- not your usual “I’m the hero”-shooter: one bullet kills more often than not
- use cover, crouch and prone, move with others to increase your odds to stay alive
- emergent AI that tries hard: they too use cover and rooftops, attempt outflanking, deploy sandbags and utilize vehicles
- gain XP to get promotions to lead your own squad, unlock items & calls
- a broad variety of weapons, each faction with their own set
- grenades, bazookas, remote detonable sticky C4, riot shields, medikits, vests, rare weapons
- mortar strikes, paratrooper reinforcements, vehicle drops
- jeeps, transport trucks, APC’s, boats, tanks, patrol ships, humvees, buggies, all with AI driving
- deploy cover elements to strengthen your fellows’ positions or use vehicles for mobile cover
- campaign and quick matches, with Map Capture or King of the Hill game modes, Multiplayer with Deathmatch, Minimodes…
- locate & destroy radio trucks, towers and other structures behind enemy lines, or steal their cargo truck and deliver it home
- organize surprise attacks at less defended bases far in enemy territory
- locate prisoners and set them free
- explore locations for hidden items and vehicles
- Windows, Linux and Mac supported
- 24/7 dedicated servers in Europe and USA
This game is absolutaly amazing! is there any way to donate to help out? I dont have a ton of money but this game deserves something thats for sure!
Thanks! Sorry, currently there’s no way to donate, but let’s see after I figure out the commercial details of the game plan.Edit: Modulaatio Games is now accepting donations! There’s a button for it on the right side of the website, thanks!
This amazing game dont work on Windows 7.
Any news?
Generally it does work on Windows 7, there’s something else going on. Have you tried updating DirectX 9 yet? You can also consider pasting the last lines in rwr_game.log to the forum, maybe we can find a way to get it run on your setup as well.
it works on windows 7
dude this is the new battlefield it is just in 3rd person
Are you considering a Mac port? I’d totally buy it.
Not at the moment, but when the game reaches some sort of maturity, perhaps then. It’s certainly possible.
Saw a video of your game on youtube, seems interesting. Any progress/plans for a Mac port?
So how far are you guys for mac port because i want to play this bad it be super cool if you guys put it on the mac app store
It’s pretty far still I’m afraid. I’m looking to get into linux porting this month, but it’s hard for me to estimate how long does it take from there to get to mac — I don’t even have any hardware to test the mac port yet.
Those into hacking might find something on this thread http://www.modulaatio.com/runningwithrifles/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=264, basically it would seem that the Windows version of the game is playable on OSX using Wineskin..
Well, good thing I’ve got Wineskin, then!
Really liking the prealpha so far, get job!
Do you folks have a twitter or some such? Love what the game is feeling like so far; reminds me of Stalker a bit (maybe needing a bit more atmosphere to say that solidly), and I love the idea of it being a bit more survival based; wounded and ammo loss, etc.
At this point I would say perhaps something is needed to identify the player a bit more; in large firefights I find myself getting confused.
As well, something to indicate where (if only generally) grenades are going, as sometimes they fly up into the air, and sometime they smack the unapparent hill in front of me.
This leads me to another concern, one of being able to tell the elevation and whether I’m shooting into a hill, or down one.
In any case, I am mighty impressed, and cannot wait to see what you all come up with.
I would certainly donate a $20 for the semblance of a finished product of this nature.
Good work, and good luck!
The elevation together with the chosen point of view is certainly an issue. I’m thinking about adding a little something to the crosshair to visualize that you’re aiming at a target from an impossible angle. Also very true about the user-controlled soldier, maybe adding something colorful but subtle on the ground below the soldier would help, this will be needed especially for the cooperative online mode that I’m working with right now, to spot other human controlled soldiers more easily. Thanks for the feedback!
i remember in men of war if you pressed ctrl you could manualy aim and you got a sort of green dot in you crosshair so you can see if you can hit the target and a red one if you can’t hit it
and what i like to see is if possible a sort of close quater combat map like a town with buildings where you have to clear buildings to gain controll over them
Enjoying the pre-alpha a lot. Had one instance where it’s exited abrubtly but no other problems. Looking forward to where you’re going with this.
Looking Good, like the video. Cannon Fodder meets Battlefield. Gonna keep an eye on this. Keep up the good work guys!
This is awesome! Cannon fodder has been the best balance between shooter and strategy I’ve played, and this is much cooler than that!
Woah, I just tried it out, and it is already amazing. If this were a mass online game, I’d be willing to pay money for it. Keep up the good work!
Awesome! Really really really hard! I hope you don’t add any more bullets, I think the ones in game are doing quite enough. I found myself frustrated by hills mostly. It was difficult to tell elevation in relation to my enemies and this obviously caused some issues. Also the entire leveling thing has me bothered. Maybe I just stink but it was really hard to progress. I played for a solid amount of time and the highest I could get was 500 points. It just seemed like every time I died I lost sooo many points compared to what I got when I scored kills. Obviously it can’t be to easy but it was simply frustrating at times. Awesome though!
Thanks. I know, it’s too difficult at times for me too I need to add a few more options to the menu so that people can adjust the difficulty level a bit, like e.g. opposing AI accuracy and rank increase rate. The plan to fix the problem from the elevation is to use a visual with the crosshair to tell if the target is reachable from this position or not.
Hey kinda a glitch but u can gain points by killing your own teammates with grenades
LoVE the game so far. Now, fix 256 player online game!
You so gotta fix a twitter acc. I can see this game getting huge online, just put it on a USB-stick and you can play it at work
the good thing is you can run it on any computer and the game file is tiny.
some thoughts…great game… maybe a bit more shrubs? so you can hide your character
another way to separate your character and others can be a circle that surrounds you… a green one maybe. and another shade for the guys following you.
another would be instead of just 2 teams how about 5 or 8 if it is a huge map. I’m sort of getting ideas off command and conquer. that would be hectic but it can also be fun
I think you can put a mini map where it shows the general direction where your team is under fire/attacking with a north arrow so you know which direction you are traveling in relation to the terrain. The larger one would be used to put in the general direction. Instead of the current shading why don’t you just use a lighter shading of green or red
The map reminded me World War II online for that front line thing. I think it really lacks games like yours where you have to conquer territories, where you really feel like you have a common objective with your mates (or IA). You can actually see your progression not only with levels but with something “real”.
Wow, this looks amazing!
I really like the art style you have chosen, feels good.
I agree with what the other posters have said on here, but from what i have seen its all good!
Also, if you need any extra hands (i know developing games is a tough b*tch, but extremely fun) i would be more than glad to help
In later stages, would you guys consider a Linux port?
I think that when shooting there should be a sort of aiming mode that tilts the camera to a position that is still top down but allows the player to get a more precise aim, a sort of behind the back view that isn’t quite over the shoulder but gives the benefits of that view. Would be very useful in narrow areas such as the university or the trenches.
Great game even though it’s still in pre-alpha.
It seems majority of the current issues I had have been mentioned, or going to be changed in the future, so I have one thing about the future multiplayer/online, and a few other things I noticed.
If it is to become a multiplayer human vs human game, then there should be some proximity chat, if any for the stealthy aspect to work out. Since the first person to die from the suppressed shots can easily all chat that there are enemies. So for the suppression to work, there should be proximity chat or something. Of course online implementation would be a long way ahead so it shouldn’t be something to be too worried about anyway.
Also one problem I remembered was when I was trying to shoot from a wall. Sometimes I can shoot over and sometimes I can’t, not the biggest problem, but it did give my position away. And I couldn’t hit a person shooting over the wall, which may have just been my bad aim, but yeah.
After reading the other comments, one of them mentioned not working on vista. It worked fine on my vista in fullscreen, but I had to turn off the anti-aliasing since it was causing the problem to run. Without anti-aliasing it was running mainly fine. My computer isn’t really high spec, so the anti-aliasing may just be my graphics card and stuff.
Keep up the good work!
Hey can you provide any info on the tools you guys are using (languages, frameworks, engine, etc)?
C++, OGRE for graphics, OIS for input, OpenAL for audio, ENet for networking
Really fun game, do you plan on releasing this for purchase, or maybe even a donation tab, so we could support development, really exited keep up the good work
I am running vista and can get the game to run fine. the only problem is that I can’t even move but all other controls work perfectly fine.
I can run while holding control, but then it glitches out.
I think I may have figured it out. I am using a shite program called constant guard that keeps keygens from working. It comes up with an error while holding control. Could you tell me how to reconfigure the keys to the arrow keys?
There’s no way to do that quite yet. I can come up with something for the next pre-alpha release to help with that. Most likely, the new release comes out next week.
This game is awesome! cant wait to see what it becomes. let me know if you guys need help with anything
I’m loving this game! A friend showed it to me and now I just cannot wait until we get our hands on some multiplayer action!
I do have one concern though. There were many times I was able to hold out alot of attacks by just hanging out next to the grenade box and spamming grenades at enemies. I was able to go from Private to Corporal in very little time. Is there any possibility to add maybe a waiting period, until that specific player is allowed to pick up grenades again?
Good point about the grenades. I’m considering to get rid of the unlimited grenade supply box altogether, so that grenades (and also ammo when it becomes limited) should be searched for by smashing crates and looting stuff from deceased soldiers. It would be up to chance what you’d find and make the grenades more rare.
Another option is pretty much what you said, stick with the supply box but e.g. make it basically have limited amount of grenades that regenerate over time.
Just like to say that this is just what I’ve been looking for, it brings me back to the days of Cannon fodder, and while I’m all for realism and so forth, I do hope you stay true to the arcade-like feel of the game and generally don’t give up on it. I had tons of really fun and really tactical fights in the span of the first 20 mins of playing the game. That’s really uncommon in games these days if you ask me. So again, I hope you finish this and I hope that you don’t move too far away from the feel the game has right now.
Also about the grenadebox camping issue I think it’s fair enough really to be able to hold back assaults thanks to that, while limited ammunition is nice in some games, I think running dry on all ammo in a game like this would take a lot of the fun out of it. It’s fast paced, tactical and action packed. My opinion is that if you all of a sudden find yourself without nades and unable to fire your gun you’re all the more likely to just run into the enemy squad swinging your knife, knowing that you’ll die so you can respawn and get ammo again. While the decision lies with you of course, I think the design as it is now is the way it ought to stay for optimum enjoyment. Either that or introduce a handgun with unlimited ammo instead, but with poorer rate of fire and smaller bullet capacity. Just so that you always have an option to shoot. Meaning that you’d have limited number of nades, limited ammo on your main weapon, and a handgun with unlimited ammo.
Really looking forward to the next stages of this game. Hopefully my two cents will be of use to you. And thanks for an awesome game however early in it’s creation it may be.
True about the limited/unlimited ammo, I haven’t entirely decided yet how it’s going to be. Even if the ammo would be limited, I wouldn’t be after that the ammo would be a rarity, rather collecting ammo would just act as a minor side task to do in the game. Thinking it though, it might be a pretty useless feature in the end, but still it might add up to realism just that tiny bit.
This looks great! Anyway we’ll see different weapons or stuff like artillery you can man or call in or airstrikes?
More weapons are coming, and I have given some thought to be able to call in e.g. some mortar fire. It should be kept quite rare though, easy to ruin the balance with such power.
I was thinking about this and I really like the idea of calling in mortar fire or maybe even some bombing runs, but I know this can be a hard thing to balance in a game like this. What I was thinking was that such abilities could be base-specific so that you would need to own a certain base that would provide these abilities and to limit their use, they could require a resupply before being used again and maybe it shouldn’t be automatic or maybe it should simply be that once they’re out of ammo they’re out of ammo. I kind of like the resupply option though as it could create some new and interesting missions for the player to undergo that might involve hijacking a supply truck and navigating through a warzone to get it back to base. I don’t know how well this would implement into this game if at all, but I think it’s worth considering.
The mortars might not even be an ability, but maybe they could simply be a rare and random unit with limited ammo. That might make more sense with how the game works now. If that becomes the case then you should be able to drop it and maybe have a secondary weapon to run with until you find something better.
Those are my thoughts on the matter.
There has been some discussion on the forum about this stuff, how the base-specific resources should be handled or if such should exist in the first place.
To get started with mortars, I opted to go with the simple way first, so that the player is rewarded one round of mortar fire when the rank score increases by 500 points, and the mortar unit is located outside the map area. The rewards start running from sergeant rank. Also high ranking AI soldiers make use of mortars occasionally, on player’s faction and the enemy.
500 points doesn’t really make it all that rare, and 8 mortar shells per round isn’t all that devastating either, but it’s a good starting point to begin experimenting with it to find a good balance.
Great game! I feel that the game requires vehicles, like World war 2 era tanks, trucks and flat tops. Towns and places should have a defensive advantage, like mounted heavy machine guns at strategic locations that dont require reloading, or how about artillrey nests from your own towns that can be controlled and fired.
This game has lots of porential, and im looking foward to future updates.
I think I have to agree with Timmer on the unlimited ammunition deal. In a way the game feels more arcade-y without an ammunition restriction. Because health is so tricky in the game, I think it balances out having unlimited ammunition.
I’m usually stuck around Private no matter what I do, but one of the things I attempt is to sneak into the enemy base and hit their grenade box to cause mayhem and sabotage behind enemy lines. I have no idea how effective this is, but limiting ammo and the grenade box would put an end to this style of play. It’s already enough of a challenge (at least at the moment) because the enemy is usually larger in number and they like to come in at unexpected angles to finish you off with a handful of bullets.
I hope the art style doesn’t change much, because I like the cartoony, almost 1960s vibe in the buildings and in the art style. I’ve never played Cannon Fodder, but what this game really reminds me of is the original Command & Conquer.
One suggestion for highlighting the player is changing the character outline from black to gold or white.
Otherwise, fun to play, just wish it could wrap up sooner somehow.
Well, perhaps one other request…
Could configuring keys be eventually possible? Like making the right mouse button grenades or the dagger? It would also be nice to find a way to clear all those savegames… or at least confine auto-save to one file.
Key configuration is coming.
Savegame managing in the menu will also improve. Auto-save should be saving to a single file, maybe there’s a bug, haven’t tested that side that much yet. Savegames can be naturally deleted manually in the savegames folder at this point.
Really great game you have there. I really appreciate the mix of arcade and milsim you’ve got there, easy to pick up, but very very hard to play properly. I love how the soldiers join up, move, defend, attack and retreat in squads, the radio messages, basically how the entire game is done. Truly feels like a war.
The ranking system is what I dislike the most. It’s a good idea, but the implementation is severely lacking currently. Losing 100 points on death is quite harsh, but it’s what teached me to take cover and use grenades. Point income is what should be expanded. 200 or so points for every sucessful assault you were participating in, etc. That would keep begginers at Private and still allow more experienced to rise in ranks.
Enemy soldiers are sometimes a bit too tough. Sometimes, an enemy that sprints from cover gets hit two or three times by me, stops and makes me bite the dust with a single burst of wich a single bullet hits. Makes the computer look like a cheating bastard.
Grenades are currently the solution for everything, acting more like handheld artillery than anything. They can be thrown as far as the rifle can shoot, have devastating explosions and can be thrown rapidly in barrages. I suggest limiting their range and adding a slight bit of delay before allowing to throw another. That should make them more useful as grenades than the BFG.
Limited ammo looks like an interesting idea, but I think it would ruin the current arcadey feel and have you worry too much about logistics. Leaving the basic assault rifle unlimited magazines and adding limited ammo weapons such as MGs, snipers and rocketlauncher would add some tactical tradeoffs to it.
Making the sides different a bit could be a good idea too. Making the Baddies weaker, but greater (as is standard in films/games) would add to the atmosphere and have you choose between quality and quantity.
If vehicles are to be ever implemented, I think it should be jeeps and trucks, rarely an APC. Jeep would be fast, truck would allow soldiers to shoot out and APC would protect from gunfire. All would be vulnerable to rockets, though.
I don’t really think tanks should be added, and if they will be, they should have very bad visibility as a counter to their durability, to make them a threat very hard to get rid of, but not as bad as enemy soldiers.
Looks pretty good so far! I’d like it if the player was able to directly communicate with soldiers, and perhaps a morale system so people would surrender? Also, you could do a Mount & Blade style rank progression, with you starting out as a lowly grunt and eventually become a commander and manage the armies you previously fought in.
I can’t wait for more!
Also, more weapons or a class system would be nice. For example, if you where sneaky and knifed people a lot, you would become a Special Forces member, or if you used grenades a lot, you could become an explosives specialist.
I’ve also thought about something like that before. Maybe the game would evaluate your success in usage of weapons, that if you seem to be good with the knife, you would get something extra for the stealth approach, and using grenades effectively, would enable you to e.g. carry more grenades while initially you could only carry only a couple of those.
I haven’t yet given much thought about how big the rewards would be for this. Would it be so that in the stealth case, you wouldn’t even be able to use a suppressed weapon, until you’ve proven that you’re worthy by going in and succeeding in those silent knife kills? So that you would unlock features by succeeding in something, or should it be something less of significance, don’t know yet.
This game is truly, truly fantastic. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this, and I wish you all of the best.
- Great start to the game. I can see miles of potential for this game.
Forums -
- Create some forums? Free forum hosting is abundant
- Much easier place to manage suggestions & questions.
Money -
- Set up PayPal Donations. Get some money coming in.
- If this game had MP, I’d def pay, esp if the server had about 32-64 players.
- I’d love it on my phone.
RE: Player Accuracy
- Does stopping/crouching/walking improve accuracy? It should.
General Mechanics –
- Mouse wheel should allow some level of zoom. It’d be nice to see my soldier better.
- Scoreboard / stats would be nice. Allocate a scoreboard to TAB
- Switch Map to M; Allow mini-map zooming like Battlefield games
- For MP, having Fireteams would allow better teamplay
Player Communication –
- Text and or Audio command/response menus (ie. Yes Sir, No Sir, Follow Me, Enemy spotted, Use Nade, etc. etc.) using those dialogue/comic style pop ups
Suggested keys: x,c,v,b
Chat features
say all, say team
…so much more! This game is awesome, people will pay for a graduated version.
Don’t stop!
Lastly id like to say I’m a game designer and have talents in design, sound, graphics, modeling, animation, textures, etc., know a few coders, and would gladly volunteer time to help (see email for contact).
Both stopping and crouching affects to the accuracy. Also sustained fire has an effect on it.
Lots of good ideas there, I’ll keep them in mind for the future!
Man, I can’t wait for you to finish this, it’s gonna be wicked.
Just a few points though, I’m sure you’ve already have this from tons of other people but being able to remap the keys would be awesome. Having the grenade and knife keys on the extra buttons on mah gaming mouse would likely increase my enjoyment by at least 38.2%.
Also, like others before me, I have trouble with hills and valleys. A simple (at least in my mind) solution would just be to use light, the lower something is, the darker. It’d also open up new strategies. Hide in a valley, but have a narrow range of fire, or stand on a hill, but be visible to everyone.
Oh, and stealth, that’s one of the big things I am curious about, especially in multiplayer. Will players view be obstructed? Will the direction they’re facing factor into what they can see? WILL THERE BE SILENT RUNNING AND THROWING KNIVES? CAN I BE WHAT I AM? I AM THE NIGHT!
I hope you appreciate the ramblings of a humble player, and I that you continue adding new ideas to this. There’s nothing I hate more than a good-looking game to be left to the vultures.
Seriously, I’m watching you.
Wow! i love this can i donate money to help out? and 1 thing , when i click join online game , nothing happens , — otherwise amazing
This game was awesome… And with the things you are planning on making, it’ll be more awesome. Hoping for a fokus on gear and weapons also… And looking forward to online multiplayer.
Love the game, and looking forward to see more of your work and progress.
Awesome game, spent a couple of hours playing the alpha, so I imagine the coming versions will be great. I only have two small criticisms so far, related to graphics, which is not that important. but, the running animations for the soldiers need some trunk movement, right now they seem to hover. some bounciness and slight trunk rotation while they move should make them look awesome. Loving the fence jump animation though.
I also like the color palette used and style of modeling, but perhaps it needs some more contrast, after a while playing it is difficult to see what one is doing. Making it a little bit less monochromatic (more contrast) would help I think.
keep it up!
Both the running animation and the color usage have improvements already in for the next not-yet-released version
Awesome game. Good job.
I would like to talk to you about publishing your game. I am very impressed with what I see.
Thank you very much for the interest; I will contact you shortly.
Hi can someone help me please I just bought the game but I did not get any e-mail’s QQ
E-mail used to buy the game: the-adult-wolf@hotmail.com
Please answer me ASAP! thanks
Did you get the e-mail yet? The purchase itself seems to have been successful. I re-sent the receipt to you just in case now.
Any way to pay with paypal :3 ?
Sure! There’s a PayPal option in the BMTMicro purchase form
The game is already great fun. With all the upcoming features on the longer or shorter time it will beat every mainstream shit. I just suggest to search for the right business partners to publish and advertise.
Usually I don’t donate for anything but Modulaatio makes a great thing for the money…
Thank you Pascal R.! You’ve just made Modulaatio Games very happy
That looks pretty amazing. I tried demo and after about hour of playing, I immediately preordered it! Keep up the good work!
I came here thanks to Jefmajor from Youtube, and god this game looks awesome! Unfortunately I don’t have a PC to play this game, but I would love to see this on the XBLA. Take care and keep making a great game.
What happends if we buy the game.. and we get a new computer?
Currently I have a HP Pv4 1435 (I know terrible choice) and its screen is messed up
If I buy the game.. Will I have to make an account?
There’s no connection between your computer hardware and the purchase account or the game, so you can just install and play the game on any of your personal computers just fine.
if only it was free, well the demo is fun anyways. just i don’t have paypal or anything. well good job with the game, i always enjoy small inde games compared to massive sellers. the community and the game always seem to be better when they are small. good luck.
i would love to be a costumer of your game! i very much want to play it however i have a MAC. I have heard that it will be available for MAC in about a year….
I was just wondering if you could put in the operating system soon since “It is very possible to implement a Linux/Mac port thanks to the cross-platform libraries RWR utilizes”
Thank You.
I have hopes of implementing the Mac port during this year, but I haven’t got yet to start with it even. I’d need to get myself a Mac first!
Thank you for getting right back to me so soon! I hear ya on the Mac thing because they do cost alot!
- I would like a jump feature for jumping from rooftop to rooftop, but make it stamina draining og a slight pause when you land so there wont be bunnyhopping around the entire map.
- A pistol sidearm for when reloading is to slow (could also be silenced)
- Knifing should be the direction you mouse is aimed, not the way your char is pointing (for easy box busting)
-Stationary weapons meybe.
- Map editor
I would also like to say that this is a unike and immensly entertaining game! And i look forward to all the additions you will make.
Thanks for the feedback, Musclebust!
The jump feature has some similarities to a dive feature that has been on the design table for a while (a discussion here). I think it would be a good addition to the game.
Sidearms might be coming in the future. Just recently, support for secondary weapons was added, though currently it’s just the M72 LAW there. With some finalizing, it could be extended to support sidearms as well, and we’d then see sidearms as a mod or directly in the vanilla game.
There’s an engineer role in the works, in which you would carry a toolkit/backpack as a primary item, allowing to do all sorts of tricks e.g. installing stationary weapons, mines, creating sandbag walls, and so forth. Only time will tell how all that’s going to work.
Map editing is currently possible using inkscape, I think this is the latest “tutorial” lying around, there’s also this for blender. A real RWR map editor would be the most awesome thing ever indeed, but right now it seems too big of a task and it would halt RWR development itself for a significant period of time.
Linux support should be a priority.
Yeah, I feel you — I had had my hopes up that I could’ve done it in the Spring already, but other things didn’t know how to queue nicely.
Anyhow, the latest news post is then good news for you too, as the Linux port is making some heavy progress right now, just ran the first successful launches on Ubuntu 12.04 — wasn’t looking too pretty, but heck, it works!
Hey, i was just wondering if there was a way to choose weapons before you spawn. I got the demo, and so far i am loving it, but as far as i can tell the only way to get a new gun is to hope that the opposing team has a unit with that gun, then kill it and try to take it before you get killed. I really like the sniper rifle, but thats the least used weapon among the AI enemies. are you able to choose weapons if you pay for it? Thanks. i will still buy anyways, great game, just wondering.
Glad you like it!
In addition to looting weapons from dead enemies/friendlies, crates can be smashed by stabbing them with the knife in hopes of finding the weapon you’re after. Some weapons are considered more rare than the others, hence they are also used less by the AI and may be more difficult to come across.
There has been some discussion that when an engineer/resource truck will be added in the game, it would be great if it also featured a weapon storage which you could browse through to get a specific weapon.
The idea of having static weapon storage points in certain bases wouldn’t be out of question either.
it´s an awesome game, most like the game of my dreams , Greetings from Portugal
Any news/information on the Mac port?
Looks awesome, but some improvements are needed:
- aiming up or down needs to be improved, we also need to see more clearly can we hit the target (we are aiming at) or not
- it is not easily clear to which team a vehicle belongs to (until it fires or you mouse over it)
- a health display for the player and his vehicle would be really nice
- as far as multiplayer goes, i would definitely like the option of playing without the AI bots.
- the outlines of building corners need to be drawn through the buildings, so we can see the building’s shape (on the ground floor) in order to counter enemy cover.
- it would be good if there was a bigger circle (as an option) to more clearly point out which soldier you are
- would be nice if we can choose colors (on just our screen) for allies and enemies (blue and red, for example) so we can clearly see who is who
- would be good if ally and enemy human players were visually marked so we know it is a player.
Thank you for developing this game.
Sim of the greatest skillgames at any point. Tailoring of the gameplay is now in playing world so sophisticated that other 9 ball billiards can go and play one pocket with their grandmothers. Your skills in billiards will be trialed in these numerous tests given to you by this great development studio. Fortunately it has a practice gamemode so you should work on your dexterity as long as you will feel the need to start being the greatest snooker player in the world. Simply hit the screen of your iphone and commence to strive for the awesome stakes of many players challenges in this crokinole billiards mobile app. Your campaign through divergent brands of snooker will be cool and challenging. As you will have to push the 8 ball into the one hole you’ll have to use the opportunity of view angle, as you can move your screen in any direction you wish. Drawn looks give advantage to this aplication over its contestants. The sheer amounts of play modes will bring you to your knees. Play 8 ball, pro pool or carom billiards, whatever you want. Whether you come from the Victorian England or France, there are going to be certain national variation of this good cue sport. Be the cue master either like a expert or in the arcade game type presented here. Anyway it is only the stick, the pockets, the 10 snooker balls and yourself. This pool game presents you the ultimate table challenge in various pool halls around the earth. Simply you and the straight rails when you trick the kismeth with your dexterity. Crokinole or pool, this game has everything. As 9 ball billiards this is a awesome android aplication.
The greatest snooker on google play entertaiment ever!
Very nice game! Carry on! (bought on Steam)
this game is at the top of my game list and thats hard to get to and there are so many pros to this game but there are some cons and i would like to talk about the cons this 3rd person online shooter would be even more awsome as a 3rd and 1st person online shooter if you had the option in the settings to change between 1st and 3rd that would make this game so much better and now i also understand that this game is wanting to be a one and a kind game but do please suggest it thats all i have to say and thank you for taking your time to read this
The only game I ever play anymore. Thank you so much for porting this to Linux!
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