Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.
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Author:  Stitchmist [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

As title says, please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

I would love to make maps for this game and used to make maps in C&C Generals as a hobby, has a very similar feeling to me. The issue is I don't understand the "tutorial" for map creation and clearly no one else does either or we'd have an archive of player created maps already since the game has been out for a while.

Author:  pasik [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

We all agree with you. The old tutorial on the forum is also pretty outdated by now. The one in the wiki is just a placeholder for all the different things involved in map making.

There has been talk about a new tutorial to be worked on from time to time, but Mr. Jack "the mapper" Mayol is constantly having to postpone it.

In all fairness to lack of modded maps, map creation comes with twists and turns so it's certainly not for everyone no matter how good a tutorial would exist. Understanding 2D vector graphics editing workflow and Inkscape takes a long way though.

Author:  JackMayol [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

I promise I won't postpone it too much. I might start next week with it, and I really mean it. Motivates me more now that there is a stronger playerbase due to steam.
But as Pasik said, it takes time and you need to know how inkscape works (not overly complicated though).

Author:  Stitchmist [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

Thank you. I'm pleased that I got a positive developer response instead of a negative player response. :)

This is clearly an issue for people looking to get into mapping for RWR. I'm going to give a shot at understanding the existing "tutorial" on the forums and I'll take a look at the wiki, I had no luck finding a mapping tutorial there earlier so I mustn't have looked at it hard enough. If I can't work it out myself I guess I'll wait until the official tutorial is written - hopefully by then I haven't already gotten over my hype of the game, lol. (Happens alot.)

Author:  The Soldier [ Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

There's hardly much negative about us. :) Don't feel left out, we've been bugging Jack for a while to make a new tutorial for map making.

Author:  bwc153 [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please make a REAL mapping tutorial.

I am in the process of making a general purpose modding tutorial, mapping is the next one I'm really going to be getting into. I need to relearn some stuff for mapping as I haven't messed with it in awhile. Will post ASAP, but I've got some college stuff I'll need to work on so that part may take a week or few.

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