Proper Length and Volume Curve for High RPM rifles?
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Author:  Maenor [ Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Proper Length and Volume Curve for High RPM rifles?

Hello there!

I'm implementing this Assault Rifle with high rpm (900) but i'm trying to find out the best audio settings for it

I'm particularly interested in the Length of the Audio File and the Volume Curves within it

For example:

The P90 (857rpm) has a little space of silence before the volume peak and then a fade-out to silence with a total length of 0:00:39

On the other hand, the MG42 (yes a machine gun, 1200RPM) has a straight to Volume Peak then fade-out out to silence with a length of 0:00:54

Here is an image of the waves for both weapons

So if i wanted to make an assault rifle of 900rpm which style should i use? The rifle is supposed to have a fire selector between four-burst and full-auto but as far as i understand, this is not yet implemented(?)

Thanks for any advice! Cheers!!

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