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 Post subject: Just my two cents
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:57 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:47 am
Posts: 3
Hi all!
I'm playing RWR for some time and I have just some little suggestions:

1. Let the player decides what is the next objective instead of the AI. Maybe this can be achieved when the player has enough XP.
2. Let the player decides how many mates can have on his squad. If a player has to go 'behind enemy lines' with silenced weapons and a ghillie maybe he doesn't want any mates with him.
3. Create an option to give silenced weapon to your squadmates. Maybe just a 'button' to equip the player's squad with silenced weapons and maybe reduce the number of mates on his squad.
4. Have the ability to call in other squads to a given position (maybe with a radio option and if the player has enough XP). This has nothing to do with the airborne reinforcements. I mean other squads on map maybe can converge on the given player's position.

I think that this can give some more tactical and strategical element to this already great game! I've always liked top down shooter like RWR to the point that I'm developing a similar HTML5 game on my own for fun.


 Post subject: Re: Just my two cents
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:56 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:59 am
Posts: 2856
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!

For 1, we're sort of trying to get the player to do that on his own with his own squad by going behind enemy lines and attacking the less defended bases. Sure, it's different from acting in place of the commander.

The idea of letting the player pick the main attack target when reaching a high enough XP level has come up before, and I guess it's at least partly already doable as a mod. It's not clear how we'd handle the UI neatly with it, how to get to pick the target and how to possibly cancel the attack, and if also bases behind enemy lines could be targeted this way or only the bases in the front line, how to choose where the attack begins from, and whether player has control over attack spread or the ratio between attack, border defense and base defense soldier counts, and so on. Of course, having access to the ratios, you could just make everyone attack and watch the steamroll happen while doing nothing :)

Ultimately, lots of potential fuss with a feature that would only open to handful of players that reach that high enough XP and play the campaign through multiple times, seems rather unbalanced.

2. You actually can do that, there's increase and decrease squad size controls.

3. We thought of this too but decided the combat AI isn't too capable of stealth, even with suppressed weapons. It's some good material for RWR2 though if we end up focusing more on the squad handling then, both automatic and manual :)

4. I'm aware some kind of attractor targets have been tried in some mod scenarios, which makes the commander boost the number of soldiers demanded in a specific block, and this works pretty well to my understanding. It works based on blocks rather than specific positions, so in general it isn't suitable for anything too accurate.

There was a time we were thinking of having something similar in vanilla too, but decided there's too much overlap with reinforcement calls and the reinforcements calls were already too handy for several situations. Waiting for reinforcements to travel by foot or vehicles for several minutes, and get interrupted by enemies when requesting them behind enemy lines, wouldn't work too well I guess.

 Post subject: Re: Just my two cents
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 2:13 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:47 am
Posts: 3
Thank you pasik for the quick answer. It is a real pleasure to see that you listen and answer actively to the community suggestions. I think that RWR has a lot of potential that could come out on RWR2.

Great game and keep it up the this good work! I will support you!


 Post subject: Re: Just my two cents
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:07 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2018 4:52 pm
Posts: 14
pasik wrote:
For 1, we're sort of trying to get the player to do that on his own with his own squad by going behind enemy lines and attacking the less defended bases. Sure, it's different from acting in place of the commander.

That only works if the spawn capacity are set at 100% vs 100%. Anything more will overcrowd the map (and defeat the map design), as well as imbalance the squad strenghth (size of 10 may not be enough for spawn capacity of 200%, say).

pasik wrote:
The idea of letting the player pick the main attack target when reaching a high enough XP level has come up before, and I guess it's at least partly already doable as a mod. It's not clear how we'd handle the UI neatly with it, how to get to pick the target and how to possibly cancel the attack, and if also bases behind enemy lines could be targeted this way or only the bases in the front line, how to choose where the attack begins from, and whether player has control over attack spread or the ratio between attack, border defense and base defense soldier counts, and so on. Of course, having access to the ratios, you could just make everyone attack and watch the steamroll happen while doing nothing :)

Agree with you. No go for letting the player steamroll after 50% of the bases are captured, nor for enemy AI steamrolling the player in the 1st 5 mins.

I very much like the idea of having a commander over me; not that the commander's smarts are completely broken, it actually functions correctly. I like having overriding orders above my own intentions because I get to feel like I may be able disobey those orders and bring about some glorious success (or court martialable failure). Much like Poe Dameron in Star Wars 7.

pasik wrote:
3. We thought of this too but decided the combat AI isn't too capable of stealth, even with suppressed weapons. It's some good material for RWR2 though if we end up focusing more on the squad handling then, both automatic and manual :)

I agree that Osumia shouldn't turn RWR into Rainbow Siege With Rifles.

Still, stealth in RWR has to be fixed. See ... =10#p18717

Also, for an open-world tactical game, the ability to hold ground will definitely be needed. Vanilla campaign is about gaining ground (disabling spawn points) and holding ground, or the sector will never be captured (infinite spawns). See suggestion for Outposts: ... f=2&t=3475

Also, being able to set up defensive positions will allow players to actually deploy manned machine guns to create chokepoints. Chokepoints allow for massive massacre play style, which seems to be the most popular: ... ?f=2&t=313

From the poll, it would seem that stealth definitely needs to be fixed in RWR. I have hundreds of hours in RWR, and even completed the very new and recent veteran mode, and I still can't figure out how stealth is better than plain covers and fire exchange. See ... f=6&t=3478

pasik wrote:
4. ...
There was a time we were thinking of having something similar in vanilla too, but decided there's too much overlap with reinforcement calls and the reinforcements calls were already too handy for several situations. Waiting for reinforcements to travel by foot or vehicles for several minutes, and get interrupted by enemies when requesting them behind enemy lines, wouldn't work too well I guess.

Disagree. I love escorting my AI bots to the front line (or rather, to a cover just beyond the front line).

You see, friendly AI bots will stay in cover until you let them feel that there is no more incoming fire. Or better (kudos to your AI design), letting them move up opportunistically.

What I usually do is to riot shield my way into a slightly more forward position that has good cover. I then proceed to suppress the enemy (single shots from an assault rifle), which keeps the enemy behind their own cover and not firing on my friendly bots. My friendly bots will opportunistically move up to my forward position, taking advantage of the cover where I am.

Whenever I do this, I'm always shouting out to my computer screen: "Move up! Move up! Keep moving men!". Move to cover, or die where we cower.

It sounds like your AI design has a lot of emergent smarts you're not yet totally aware of?

Still, I would propose the much simpler and less micro-managed Outpost idea I pointed to above.

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