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PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:14 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2018 4:52 pm
Posts: 14
AI is broken as it is now. Better to advertise this game as purely multiplayer, not at all single player. Or at least trim off the sections that are broken for single player.

In single player campaign, spending 1000 RP for a tank will end up with 3 outcomes:

Squad dies without your shooting assists

So you tell the squad to exit vehicle, leaving a bare minimum crew for the vehicle (eg driver, 2 gunners). You tell the squad to go ahead of the tank to pick off any rockets, because AI bots simply do not prioritize rockets and will gladly allow rockets to come through to kill our tank.

Outcome: Squad of 7 gets picked off 1 by 1, until the whole squad is killed off within 3-5 mins. No AI squad can survive without your shooting assist (even slightly worse odds like 9 vs 10!). Leaving a squad alone to fight for too long will see some of the squad throw grenades into walls/trees/rocks and head-butt the grenade to their own detriment.

Tank dies without your prioritized gunnery

So you decide to have no squad support, just rely on your expert driving to dodge rockets (not possible to dodge, but let's imagine it is for the sake of this discussion).

Outcome: Your gunners prioritize anything except rockets. They would scream "Rocket!" and then proceed to shoot at something else other than rockets. And your tank dies to rockets.

Tank dies without your piloting

Firstly, it's actually possible to leave a vehicle standing still as a "mobile turret". Simply enter the driver's seat, tell squad to get out (leaving vehicle crew inside), then get out yourself. The vehicle will sit still and fire on any enemies in range.

However, the vehicle will quickly (1-2 mins) get taken over by one of your AI bots, and be driven off Rambo style.

Outcome: And here is where vehicles should be removed altogether for AI use. AI will drive the vehicle deep into enemy territory, often lasting mere seconds (or at most 1 minute) before eating one too many rockets.

Smart AI Falls Flat

It's very clear that the AI is broken. If you record your games, and play them back real slow, you'll see that the AI driver actually does hang back when there are supporting squads that run ahead to help protect the vehicle. Unfortunately, that logic soon breaks down and the AI quickly starts driving straight into enemy territory.

Flanking maneuvers by AI in vehicles is laudable. But flanking maneuvers that fails due to poor pathfinding is breaking the game.

Remove Vehicles Completely, Except for PvP

AI simply cannot handle vehicles.

Kickstarter RWR 2

I paid peanuts for RWR (won't get Pacific DLC because I know the AI will never be fixed).

I hope to see more money coming in for Osumia so that RWR 2 can happen with all the AI fixes. I don't consider the broken AI as a bug, but rather an incomplete feature. Maybe Kickstarter RWR2?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 2:38 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:31 pm
Posts: 5
Eh, I don't know, I never ran into big issues with vehicles in single player mode.
But then I've been raised on FPS games where you're central to the entire war effort and where a tank will not survive unless YOU, personnally, on foot, take care of every single enemy target, so it has become normal to me :lol: plus, vehicles ARE extremely vulnerable IRL in urban combat.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:01 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 11, 2018 4:52 pm
Posts: 14
Frogfoot_25 wrote:
Eh, I don't know, I never ran into big issues with vehicles in single player mode.
But then I've been raised on FPS games where you're central to the entire war effort and where a tank will not survive unless YOU, personnally, on foot, take care of every single enemy target, so it has become normal to me :lol: plus, vehicles ARE extremely vulnerable IRL in urban combat.

You're quite right, I haven't seen any FPS games (or any?) that has good vehicular AI.

Oh yes, vehicles are vulnerable in urban combat. (You a real-life ranger, or something?)

I was just trying to help streamline the game. A broken mechanic (and broken promise) of vehicular AI would create a bad impression for players. A simple switch to prevent AI from hijacking a vehicle bought by the player will do tons to improve the current situation. (I'm not really expecting RWR to get improved here on out; more like making suggestions for RWR 2.)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:50 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:19 pm
Posts: 241
Yeah what the hell?

Seriously is OP stupid? Not to be rude but any one who knows what they are doing can get a tank to live through a map in single player. The AI is pretty good at the guns.

Remember the AI is better on an MG or GL then a player will ever be, and tanks are meant to move behind the infantry. So knowing that being in the main gun ordering your driver around and your squad to stay ahead means a tank can survive literally anything short of an Artillery eight on its head.

that and You are wanting the game to be less complex because you are bad.... that makes no sense.

I regret even hearing of this game!

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