Individual and Group Squad Orders
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Author:  Astrocat [ Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Individual and Group Squad Orders

Sometimes, I dont want my whole squad to move to one place. I would like to be able to tell specific people to relocate. Highlighting a part of or even an individual in the squad (below) would be really appreciated.

Author:  TrenchEngineer [ Sun May 10, 2015 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Individual and Group Squad Orders

By the AI's nature, AI will not go to exactly the place you point them to. They will seek out cover intelligently and make its own decisions based on the nature of the battle. Besides, adding individual control could potentially be a tough thing to micromanage.

If you are set on this type of thing, however, this is what I'd ask the devs to do:

There are a max of ten soldiers in your squad. F9 allows you to see that each soldier has an assigned number, 1 through 10. By holding the respective number on the keyboard and clicking the order button somewhere, that one soldier would respond to that command. The average keyboard has 2 number sets, so you could still use hotkeys with the other.

Several problems arise, however.

The soldier number is random and variable, depending on when they joined. If a soldier with a low number dies, all the soldiers with higher numbers bump down one, impeding a specific control of specialized soldiers (For instance, ordering guy #3, a sniper, to a nearby roof. Guy #2 dies, making guy #3 guy #2. The sniper leaves, and in his place is a common soldier.) Keeping track of them would require F9ing all the time.

To fix that would require a rewrite of how the AI squaddies are distributed, meaning the numbers would be the same if someone died. It might be doable, but probaly too much of a hassle for what the devs wanted to be a simple thing.

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