Re-Capturing Home Bases?
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Author:  winterfox5 [ Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re-Capturing Home Bases?

Vague subject maybe, but I was playing a small game in Al-Tabul, and while I was out going rambo, the A.I. stormed my base. I attempted to retake it by my self given my entire squad was brutally mowed down by a single guy, and failed miserably, but somehow as I lay dead next to the APC I stole and a tow missile emplacement, the green bar filled all the way at the bottom, and ticked until we took back the base, obviously a bug, I don't even know how we took it, because I'm pretty sure I was the last guy alive, but when we took it, I was able to re-spawn, as well as the A.I. Except we were stuck in surrender mode. In our base, with all the vehicles also re-spawning. I was very disappointed upon realizing I couldn't actually do anything and get a second chance! :lol: but it sparked an Idea! Perhaps any player controlled squad that isn't in the area shouldn't have to surrender, only given the chance to, and if the player decides to continue playing, can attempt to retake the base, and thus be given a second chance! Maybe even a 50/50 chance random A.I. squads choose to surrender or keep fighting to the death!

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