[Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently
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Author:  shatner [ Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

JewSlayer9000 has appeared again in the US Invasion server. I asked the player to explain his name, to which he didn't reply. His only use of the chat has been to say "move bitch".

I know the SAS Invasion server runners have said they will not allow offensive profile names. Who runs the US Invasion server?

Author:  Testpilot14 [ Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

shatner wrote:
JewSlayer9000 has appeared again in the US Invasion server. I asked the player to explain his name, to which he didn't reply. His only use of the chat has been to say "move bitch".

I know the SAS Invasion server runners have said they will not allow offensive profile names. Who runs the US Invasion server?

I do not know that, but a player was using racial slurs like "N*****" against others in the lobby and there was excessive team killing on the final boss battle today as well. It had seemed to calm down after me and other runners explained that the use of that language is prohibited. I do not want to give out the name of the player because he had stopped team killing and using racial slurs shortly after, but if he/she continues i will post the name for a possible ban if the server's owners choose so of course.

Author:  shatner [ Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

It's good that that username's now been proscribed. It's difficult to understand the motivation of someone who uses such usernames for a game: a troll? a bigot? or an infantile 12 year old kid who's basically a bit immature and ignorant about the world?

What is the protocol for offensive profile names? Banning that username (so a player can restart a new profile with an acceptable username) or full IP ban?

Author:  shatner [ Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

Actually, I just googled that username. As well as appearing on a few gaming profiles, that exact same username posted an antisemitic post on a far-right/antisemitic website. So I'd be happy with an IP ban for this one... ;)

Author:  Satirical [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

ip ban this person please he keeps teamkilling at spawn WHILE we have 53 players online

Author:  shatner [ Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

Satirical wrote:
ip ban this person please he keeps teamkilling at spawn WHILE we have 53 players online

I witnessed the events from which this screenshot derives. Someone threw a flashbang (which is harmless) as a joke, I presume. Then this Wizardy fellow threw a grenade resulting in the tragic deaths of many innocent people. He immediately apologised and said he thought it was a flashbang he was throwing. I have no way of knowing the truth or sincerity of this statement.

So I don't believe that this screenshot alone can be used as evidence to convict the player of the grievious charge of deliberate teamkilling with intent to troll or steal. I have no other knowledge of this player's playing habits or misdemeanours. Maybe he will turn out to be a very bad man like that other Chap Chappington chap. 8-)

Author:  Satirical [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

wow youre right shatner it was my mistake i was too rushed and upset because there was a bunch of other teamkillers that day

btw this guy Euzeguyses tried to ruin a bunch of peoples game experience today on the SAS server.

he kept susciding the armory truck and spawn truck

i think he is an alt account because he was very low exp but he knew where the spawn truck and armory truck spawned even on very large maps

basically he would drive the armory truck into the enemy and the enemy would blow it up

a person named jackson1 caught on so I sat in the armory truck to prevent him from stealing it then he would blow up the armory truck by buying grenades

after that he did this and he did this on the next map fridge valley too

Author:  Satirical [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently picture of 10 year old trolling after everyone is ignoring him

Author:  Thrillseeker [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

Simple rule of a thumb is : don't feed the troll. If You ignore his antics he'll get bored of getting 0 attention and go away.

Author:  JackMayol [ Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Server] Ban list/Chat logs required urgently

Thrillseeker is right, don't feed harrified, uh I mean the trolls :D
We have the reworked penalty system in place on invasionUSA2 server since today. So if it is enough to fix the teamkill issue, the rest is just a matter of ignoring the trolls as there's not much that can be done there.

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