What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?
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Author:  sivistojko [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

As the title says what's your number and what is your general strategy to make it happen (if it's not a secret)? So far my first was around 32 or something and then yesterday I made it to 120+ with my Dragunov. It was actually the first game where I was patient and not rushing as usual. I'm a new player and still don't have confidence with assault rifles so i went with sniper and had more success. Question: Do you carry several vests and switch them when they get 2 shots?

Author:  warbrand2 [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

In single player over 300, cause 800 soldiers + artillery 8 = way to many kills.

in Co-op probibly around 100 from the times I support m79, rarely die while doing that.

Author:  zephyrantes [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

530. XM-25. High places.

Author:  JackMayol [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

Playing to achieve high kill streaks is usually not very helpful for you team. I think it's not very hard to have long streaks when you are camping on a higher roof in the background.
You see that often in coop and the result is that the player team has issues gaining ground.
I don't play for high streaks but I try to not die often, even though I tend to play aggressive. I often have a Vest-II on me and 2 in my backpack. Once a vest has a hole, I swap it instantly. When all of my vest have 1 hole each, I swap them through until each has 2 holes or if I am near an armory I buy new ones by avoid to have more than 1 hole respectively. This can be costly but I am also a looter so it's not a problem to compensate the RP I spent on vests.
anyway, welcome to the community sivistojko! :)

Author:  Street Veteran [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

In correct place, u can make as long streak as u want. In populated server its not good idea to try as map is probably over before u reach high numbers.

I have 1234 streak as I tought it was fun number. Then just killed myself.
JackMayol suggested that I should have grinded it up to 1337 :D

Author:  sivistojko [ Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

JackMayol wrote:
Playing to achieve high kill streaks is usually not very helpful for you team. I think it's not very hard to have long streaks when you are camping on a higher roof in the background.
You see that often in coop and the result is that the player team has issues gaining ground.
I don't play for high streaks but I try to not die often, even though I tend to play aggressive. I often have a Vest-II on me and 2 in my backpack. Once a vest has a hole, I swap it instantly. When all of my vest have 1 hole each, I swap them through until each has 2 holes or if I am near an armory I buy new ones by avoid to have more than 1 hole respectively. This can be costly but I am also a looter so it's not a problem to compensate the RP I spent on vests.
anyway, welcome to the community sivistojko! :)

Thanks, I appreciate. Well, I understand your point and hopefully I will get there in time. So far I have too little game hours of experience and playing for like 5 mins. without getting killed was a huge (and I mean a huge) success, even if it meant camping on the roof top! After my first coop campaign game I acquired around 1200 points to spend but I was getting killed to frequently so I quickly lost all of it, and now I'm running broke.

Author:  DIO [ Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

Speaking for the achievement itself on a personal level, it's not a hard task, just time consuming. Some of us have made ~ 2500 in Coop but as the others said, it's easily doable, you just need to know where to stand and what to do. So that, I think the Coop-maded streaks is not so valuable as those in PvP, which are more difficult because of the map duration, bot's behavior and the real player's presence. I've made 300 recently(mainly by using another "golden" SVD :) ), which is a pretty good result, I believe.:D

Author:  RefrigerRaider [ Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your highest kill streak and how do you do it?

sivistojko wrote:
As the title says what's your number and what is your general strategy to make it happen (if it's not a secret)? So far my first was around 32 or something and then yesterday I made it to 120+ with my Dragunov. It was actually the first game where I was patient and not rushing as usual. I'm a new player and still don't have confidence with assault rifles so i went with sniper and had more success. Question: Do you carry several vests and switch them when they get 2 shots?

If you use windows, press tab to pull up the leaderboards and itll show you the stats including highest kill streak

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