how to scroll items in armory?I have many items and cant see
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Author:  RefrigerRaider [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: how to scroll items in armory?I have many items and cant

sivistojko wrote:
It seems that after a while spent in the game, UI messes up and displays the stash grid incorrectly resulting in not showing all the weapons. Nowadays it happens to me quite often. It just pushes items further away from the center line that divides the stash/ ground, left part and equipped, backpack, right part. So sometimes the vest in the backpack displays far right from the middle line and not close to it as it should be.

same. its annoying sometimes. I dont rec that stash cheap weapons as they are readily available throughout. its more for storing rare weapons. keep in mind stash space is limited. youll notice you ran out of stash space once you try to put stuff in stash but instead the stuff cant be moved into the stash and ends up on the ground.

"A stash can contain a maximum of 255 items in total, and not more than 80 different type of items.

The content of the stash is server specific and not carried over between servers unless you play on an official invasion server, which share the profiles between each other."


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