Aiming with tanks?!
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Author:  TheWhitestOfFangs [ Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Aiming with tanks?!


I've noticed that when shooting with the tank's main gun, I hit right next to targets and they are not killed or injured... I mean distances much smaller than those which a grenade would easily obliterate all targets.

Also aiming with the tank is abit off - sometimes it hits exactly where I aim it
sometimes it misses altogether (i.e shooting way above the target but in the correct horizontal direction) even though both main cursor and smaller LOS indicator are on it (and the dot is green)

What am I doing wrong?

Author:  KetchupWarthog [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aiming with tanks?!

I assume it's just the nature of in-game balancing. Maybe it's simulating an APFSDS round? Not sure either, but would be better if HEAT rounds are simulated

You're not the only one with the aiming issue. It's probably due to the elevated position of the gun turret above the ground.

Author:  TheWhitestOfFangs [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aiming with tanks?!

I assumed it had something to do with the elevation of the turret while the LOS indicator / cursor are still relative to shoulder-height.

I wonder if it was meant to stay or just something the developers missed out (tanks are by for not the main focus of this game).

Also - is there a way to aim the turret towards a point without using the LMB (and accidentally shooting sometimes?)

Author:  DIO [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aiming with tanks?!

Yep, that aiming issue is curious. That's why in these situations most of the experienced players prefer bots for gunners as they have no such problem while firing. In fact, sometimes almost everything depends on the elevation of the terrain.
I suppose this is some small part of the game mechanics which has not yet been improved.

As for the:
TheWhitestOfFangs wrote:
Also - is there a way to aim the turret towards a point without using the LMB (and accidentally shooting sometimes?)
There is no other way to aim afaik. But to avoid accidental firing while rotating the turret just aim farther/a bit aside than you want to stop the turret(main cursor as you said). ;)

Author:  Calamari [ Wed May 20, 2015 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aiming with tanks?!

I hit right next to targets and they are not killed or injured.

The splash damage for all explosives (excluding grenades) is pretty small. One might say absolutely negligible. This is a game balance thing to keep them from getting spammed on infantry and to use them for their specialized purposes (blowing up vehicles and emplacements.)

Semi-related question: Didn't RPGs used to have a larger splash factor than the other explosives?

Author:  DIO [ Wed May 20, 2015 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aiming with tanks?!

Calamari wrote:
Semi-related question: Didn't RPGs used to have a larger splash factor than the other explosives?
It's understandable that all the weapons/military equipment used in game could not be the same as IRL, so to see specifications of the weapons/equipments(specifically for the RPG's) and the difference between them you can take a look here and also by reading the technical data in the files located into \media\packages\vanilla\weapons folder.
A fast comparison between RPG and the tank cannon shows that they have an almost similar characteristics, so this probably is the answer to your question.

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