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PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:21 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:02 pm
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Hi guys. This is my first mod for Running With Rifles and also my first post on these forums. Couldn't have started this without you. This is by no means the final release and I'll happily listen to any suggestions and criticisms you guys have.

"Day One" turns your RWR into the battlefields of the Vektan Invasion covered in Killzone 1 and Killzone Liberation. Includes three character models for each faction (ISA and Helghast) as well as around six weapons from the Killzone universe to play with.

2 assault rifles (M82 and StA-52 LAR)
2 machine guns (M224-A2 "Tyrant" and StA-3 LMG)
1 shotgun (M13 "Lucky Strike")
1 sniper rifle (StA-52 SLAR)

Here are some crappy screenshots since I play on a laptop and have to press the FN button along with the PRTSCRN button at the same time. ... 1f7b79.png ... 0839db.png ... 7bda79.png

They look better ingame. I think.

If anyone can contribute better looking screenies, I'd truly appreciate it!

NOTE: Day One, again, covers the first two Killzone games, not Killzone 2 nor 3. So no "WTF STA52 DOSN'T LOOK LIEK DAT!" Please?

UPDATED! We are now at V1.1!


0.85's new features have opened up a new plethora of possibilities! Keep checking back for more!


General Information on V1.1
18 new weapons with their own HUD icons
2 factions (ISA and Helghast) with 4 distinct player models each
New callouts ("Mortars!" "Incoming frag!" "We're pinned down!" "RPG!")

List of weapons in V1.1
ISA M3 Revolver *new*
ISA M4 Pistol *new*
ISA M82 assault rifle
ISA M66-SD submachine gun
ISA M13 shotgun
ISA M224-A2 machine gun
ISA M224-A3 assault gun
ISA M327 grenade launcher
ISA M404 rocket launcher
ISA Crossbow
Helghast StA-52 assault rifle
Helghast StA-52 sniper rifle
Helghast StA-3 light machine gun
Helghast IvP-18 Tropov machine pistol *new*
Helghast IvP-18 S-FOX submachine gun
Helghast Pnv-3 squad cannon
Helghast VnS-10b Scylla chain gun
Helghast BLR-06 multiple rocket launcher

Screenshots: ... 9f775f.png ... 9e2ef1.png ... 4c4ae4.png ... 495115.png ... 9f5afa.png

Again, I can't take screenshots for shite. Check 'em out ingame and see for yourself.

Credits to the pasik for the voxel editor tools as well as the KZwiki for the UI pics.



Vektan RRF Troopers
A large corps of volunteers, the Rapid Reaction Force is usually the first line of defense of any UCN planet. These militia were only meant for self-policing and to delay an enemy advance long enough for the Army to organize itself. They suffered the heaviest casualties of any ISA unit throughout the Helghast invasion.

Vektan Army Regulars
Well-equipped and well-trained troops meant to deter and push back hostile attacks on UCN planets, the Army was decimated early on during the invasion when the Helghast specifically targeted Army units for elimination. Surviving Regulars were distributed across RRF units to bolster their effectiveness with heavy weapons and armor, equipment that RRF units rarely train with.

UCN Marines
A division of marines arrived with the UCN fleet to reinforce the Vektans fighting the ground war. Seeing extensive action all across Southern Vekta, marines held the line at Rayhoven against Helghast General Armin Metrac's campaign. They are better trained than the RRF and a bit on par with the Army. Their arrival also signaled a change in tactics as the ISA received much needed equipment such as VTOL transports and armor.

Regular Troopers
Heavily armed troopers trained to destroy enemy formations using a variety of tactics. Each soldier is a well-trained and disciplined individual. The first wave of the invasion involved multiple airborne assaults by these units that all but decapitated the ISA command structure. The invasion would have ended quickly if it wasn't for the surprisingly tenacious resistance from surviving ISA units, the deaths of their commanding officers, and the arrival of the UCN fleet.

Elite Troopers
Hardened soldiers given the best equipment in the Helghast arsenal. These elite troopers were meant to lead from the front, inspiring their brethren with their fearlessness and sheer presence. They sometimes formed their own units and then decimated enemy formations much larger than their own. When Armin Metrac took command of all Helghast units on Vekta, he used squads of these soldiers to break through the toughest resistance in the ISA lines.

Shock Troopers
A radical change in tactics for the Helghast due in part to Armin Metrac, these troopers are lightly armored and lightly armed. But what they lack in equipment, they make up for in dexterity and daring and the ability to sow terror within the enemy lines. They are utterly without fear, dodging enemy fire with lightning reflexes and clearing trenches and bunkers with seemingly reckless tactics. Their casualties are still high, but ISA troops under attack from these units would prefer to retreat and lose ground than to take them on.


ISA Weapons
M4 "Bullstopper" Pistol
Standard-issue sidearm for ISA troopers. A great balance between stopping power, rate of fire and range hampered only by its low capacity of 7 rounds. Great backup for just about anyone who doesn't want to lug a rocket launcher around.

M3 Revolver
Obsolete sidearm replaced by the M4 pistol. The ISA have re-issued the M3 due to problems with their supply of M4s. Great range and stopping power but a low rate of fire and 6 round capacity. A good choice for soldiers who carry short range weapons like submachine guns.

M82 "No Nickname" Assault Rifle
Standard-issue ISA infantry weapon with a 30-round magazine. Not as hard-hitting as its Helghast counterpart, but is way more accurate and its bullets travel farther before losing lethality. It has a burst feature that helps users put all rounds on target even at long ranges. Best used when fighting from cover or stationary (both helps) to take advantage of its accuracy, but it can be used in close-quarters if necessary. Don't forget to reload often, 30 rounds gets used up faster than you think.

M66-SD "Silent Death" Submachine gun
Suppressed weapon favored by ISA special forces and Shadow Marshalls. Accurate single shots and short bursts from close to medium ranges and reliably lethal at long ranges. Accuracy degrades quickly when firing fully-automatic. A versatile weapon, if you can switch playing styles quickly.

M13 "Lucky Strike" Shotgun
Run-of-the-mill combat shotgun for assault and commando units. Can kill reliably at short range and sometimes at medium ranges. 8-round tube magazine needs to be reloaded one shell at a time. Get close and unload. 'Nuff said.

M224-A3 "Surf-n'-Turf" Assault Gun
A dual-barreled light machine gun equipped with an advanced gyroscopic harness to allow one man to become a walking whirlwind of bullets. It feeds from a 500-round ammo belt that, due to it firing two bullets at a time along with a crazy rate of fire, empties really really quickly if you hold down the trigger too long. It also has the worst accuracy and lethality of all the machine guns due to its small calibre. It's meant to be fired on the move and at targets in spitting distance, hence the moniker. Useful in tight areas like cities or when defending a location being swarmed by baddies. Sweep streets, go crazy, you decide. Just don't try to snipe with it.

M224-A2 "Tyrant" Machine Gun
The Surf-n'-Turf's older brother. This bad boy spits out full-size .30 cal rounds that can reach out and kill almost anyone at any range. It's accuracy is nothing to laugh at either. It's only drawbacks are it's weight, which makes it impossible to shoot effectively without bracing it against your knee or something solid, and it's heavy ammunition, which limits each belt to a measly 56-rounds. This weapon really shines in the hands of a competent gunner and a coordinated team of riflemen. Rely on your teammates to cover you while you reload in the middle of a firefight, as you invariably will find yourself running out of ammo quickly. Every shot must count, so higher elevations that allow you to shoot over cover is a great way to conserve your rounds.

M327 "Thumper" Grenade Launcher
Not-so-classic automatic grenade launcher with six shots in a revolving cylinder that have to be loaded one at a time. Grenades fired by this weapon are equipped with 1.5 second fuzes. This lets you take advantage of the terrain to take out those nasty ninjas who hide around corners with their commando knives. Very invaluable in city-fights and firing from an elevated position increases its effectiveness. You can also bounce grenades into trenches with enough skill. It can fire grenades as quickly as it can cycle to the next chamber, but be warned; accuracy degrades quickly the faster you fire. You just might find your next grenade has struck that tree or mound of earth in front of you and bounced back, or worse, towards your mates. Then you'd wish it had bounced to you. Oh, and by the way, the grenades leave a very conspicuous smoke trail. Just sayin'.

M404 "Drainpipe" Rocket Launcher
Reloadable light anti-tank weapon issued to ISA troops. Due to its accuracy, simplicity, and ease of use, it is very popular and most Helghast infantry units prefer these weapons to their own BLR-06 MRLs The rocket goes where you want it to, usually, and ammunition is easy to find. Best used against vehicles or against clustered groups of enemies.

The closest thing the ISA have to a sniper rifle, this primitive weapon is accurate, lethal, and totally silent. Its effectiveness is only hampered by the need to reload after every shot. Perfect for thinning out enemy sentries with no one the wiser.

Helghast Weapons
StA-52 LAR (Light Assault Rifle)
Standard infantry weapon of the Helghast armed forces, this rifle feeds from a 50-round cylindrical magazine that, coupled with its low rate of fire, lets any competent trooper sweep trenches and assault bunkers without having to reload in between. Its bullets hit harder than the ISA's M82 but lose lethality over distances much quicker. The bullets also have a tendency to hit the places NOT under the crosshair, though miracles (or is it Mr. Murphy?) sometimes do happen. The unusual configuration also means it takes longer to reload. It's very versatile, useful for attacking, defending, firing on the move and whatnot, as long as you don't have to hit a tin can on a fence post at 300 yards.

StA-52 SLAR (Sniper Light Assault Rifle)
The sniper version of the StA-52 LAR is its namesake only in... well, name. It is extremely lethal at any range and is accurate enough to hit the metaphorical tin can and also punch through the armored dude hiding in the bushes a hundred yards away. It's also got a puny capacity of 6 rounds and a low rate of fire. Climb a building, dodge through alleys, play insurgent, it's a sniper rifle. Be imaginative.

StA-3 LMG (Light Machine Gun)
The epitome of Spray-n'-Pray, it lacks the punch and accuracy of the ISA's M224 series, but it makes up for it with a 100-round ammo drum and a generous rate of fire. The recoil is too much to fire without bracing it on your knee or on cover. Standard machine gun tactics apply. When used with a well-coordinated team, the increase in effectiveness is tremendous. The high capacity makes it a prime choice for suppressing the enemy and the rate of fire will make short work of charging foes. Thus, this weapon works best in area denial and ambush roles. Though nothing's stopping you from going all Kerberos Panzer Cop on the sorry fools.

IvP-18 Tropov Machine Pistol
Standard-issue sidearm for Helghast infantry. High capacity, accuracy and a burst-fire capability make it very reliable in many situations. Its only limitation is the low stopping power of individual rounds and range. Snipers would do well to carry one of these around.

IvP-18 S-FOX Submachine Gun
A large calibre machine pistol in use by Helghast Shocktroopers, this weapon is the queen of close combat (shotgun is king.) Its bullets tear right through meat bags with ease and the recoil is manageable. The 15-round magazine does limit its effectiveness as well as fast reduction of lethality past close range. Hit and run tactics seem the best way to take advantage of its strengths, flank the enemy whenever possible. Use cover to get closer to your enemy. Pop out from cover, take down one foe with a burst, run away from his vengeful compatriots, reload, rinse and repeat.

Pnv-3 Siska Squad Cannon
Literally a man-portable light tank gun (though "light" and "man-portable" are stretching it,) it also uses a gyroscopic harness similar to the M224-A3, but its sole purpose is to stop the operator from travelling in the opposite direction when it fires one of six 66mm high-explosive rounds. Each round is enough to turn foes unfortunate enough to get directly hit into chutney and will severely maim everyone in a small radius around them. Again, like the M327, each round has to be loaded manually. Also, since the operator is unable to aim the weapon due to the harness, using the weapon is like playing an explosive version of Russian Roulette, especially when rapid firing. Remember these words the next time you plant a round in the dirt between your legs and your ass goes through your head so fast it turns the moon cherry-pie red. This weapon excels in city-fights where elevated positions will give the operator an unobstructed view of the field.

VnS-10B Scylla Chain Gun
Continuing the Helghast tradition of huge guns made man-portable (perhaps they're trying to compensate for something?) one of their engineers probably decided it was a good idea to give the grunts the ability to fire explosive .50 caliber bullets as fast as you can say "Oh fu--." They didn't put any fancy harness system this time, so you might want to put the gun down somewhere really really solid before you hitch up and pull the trigger. Oh, and they added a huge (and probably pretty heavy) spinning cylinder thing to stop the barrel from overheating. Whoopee. Pnv-3 Siska tactics apply with the addendum that you SHOULD find cover before you fire, because EVERYONE is going to know/see/hear the poor fool on his belly in the middle of the street firing a huge gun that he can't turn quickly. You have been warned. With a whopping capacity of 50 explosive rounds and a high rate of fire, you can pretty much turn anything to chutney and that's never a bad thing.

BLR-06 Hadra Multiple Rocket Launcher
Helghan-manufactured assault weapon for their ground troops, this weapon can fire 3 66mm high-explosive rockets in a deadly salvo. The blast is devastating, whether against a wave of attackers or against dug in defenders. Operators are required to examine their surroundings before using this weapon as the rockets tend to disperse on firing and may prematurely strike obstacles.

"A bullet's got a name on it, but a grenade's addressed to whom it may concern."


Last edited by sevensixtytwo on Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:28 pm, edited 13 times in total.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:37 pm 

Joined: Sat May 19, 2012 10:00 am
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Seems interesting. Maybe Joneau can make better HUD icons for you.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:38 pm 
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I'd be happy to send him the weapon pics I used to make the icons if he agrees.

"A bullet's got a name on it, but a grenade's addressed to whom it may concern."


PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:42 pm 

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The outline is what matters.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:00 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:22 am
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Looks great man, Keep it up!

"For the strength of the Wolf is the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is the Wolf."  Oo Rah Marine Corp.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:32 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:02 pm
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Thanks. Here's the list of additions and changes for the next release.

*re-mesh of grenade to have more orange

*edited mesh of M82 and M224-a2 to be bulkier and more noticable

*2 new weapons
-M66-SD submachine gun for ISA and the S-FOX machine pistol for Helghast

*2 new player models
-ISA Marine (with helmets!) and Helghast Shocktrooper (dudes with skirts, sorry, coats.)

*general tweaking of weapons stats to make them distinct from each other
-M82 now does less damage but is more accurate than the StA-52 LAR
-M224-A2 now does more damage and is more accurate than StA-3 LMG

As Znasvecko said, I'm working on improving the weapon icons and will upload it when I'm done with that.

A couple of questions for issues further down the road. How can I edit the reload time of a weapon? Can I add blinking lights to the grenade? How to edit .mesh files (jeep, apc)? Is the kill_probability value the "damage" of the weapon?

EDIT: Also, is it possible to edit the messages received? What about combat shouts by units?

"A bullet's got a name on it, but a grenade's addressed to whom it may concern."


PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:57 am 
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I haven't tried it yet but it looks nice so far going by the screenshots.
It's good to see more mods!

sevensixtytwo wrote:
How can I edit the reload time of a weapon?

The reload time is the length of the animation, so you can use an animation already referenced in one of the other weapon types (I use the sniper reload animation for almost everything in my mod).
<animation key="reload" ref="35" />

Or you can attempt making your own with the voxel editor. I warn you though that it's not pretty and it'll be tedious work, but it's possible.

Can I add blinking lights to the grenade?

I suppose there could be a way to do that with particles but I've never messed with any of that. Pasik or someone else will know.

How to edit .mesh files (jeep, apc)?

I've used Blender with success [frustration] in creating my own models from scratch, exporting to .xml and then converting it over to .mesh with the OGRE command line tools from here:
I haven't actually imported a .mesh into Blender yet, so on that I'm more useless than I've been so far. Importing/Exporting with Blender uses python scripts and they tend to be sensitive or incompatible to what version of Blender you're using.

You'll definitely want to hop on the RWR IRC channel if you need help setting up Blender. Just don't leave after 5 minutes when nobody responds; that's not how we do things. :(

Is the kill_probability value the "damage" of the weapon?

In a sense, yes. It's more a measure of how deadly the projectile of the weapon is as kill_probability means literally the chance that the round will kill or not kill when it hits.
1.0 = Always kills
0.5 = 50% chance of that round killing
0.99 = 99% chance of that round killing

There is also the kill_decay_start_time which controls how soon after the round is created that it will start to lose it's kill_probability, and kill_decay_end_time for how soon the round will reach kill_probability="0".

Also, is it possible to edit the messages received? What about combat shouts by units?

I believe the content of the combat shouts (e.g. "Grenade!") can be edited in one of the many .xml files in your RWR directory. I wish I could say which one it is but unfortunately I'm not at home right now to see for myself.

If by 'messages received' you mean the other text bubbles that do not come from AI then I don't recall seeing anything like that, but again I can't know for sure at the moment, sorry.

~ * ~ * G R E Y * ~ * ~ * P R I D E * ~ * ~

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:24 am 
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Thanks a lot, mate. At least now I know what I can and can't do.

As for the kill probability and kill decay, great stuff. Adds a lot of depth to the variety of weapons. So if the gun were, say, a small machine pistol, I could give it a 0.8 kill probability and make the decay start and end quickly to make it dominate close quarters but be almost useless at medium to long ranges.

Been searching for the dialogue files since day one (durhurhur) but I don't see anything really. Not even in packages/vanilla. I'll dig around some and hopefully find something or someone comes along and sheds more light on this.

OMG GRENADE gets tiring after the 5th time you see it.

"A bullet's got a name on it, but a grenade's addressed to whom it may concern."


PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:47 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:07 am
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It looks like you can only control the specific call-outs for projectiles, in this case a grenade:

    <comment key="alert" text="omg grenade" />
    <comment key="alert" text="look out" />
    <comment key="alert" text="grenade" />

I guess that's something.

~ * ~ * G R E Y * ~ * ~ * P R I D E * ~ * ~

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:39 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:41 pm
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a huds eh. :D. send me the pics. ill do the huds

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